How Our Water is Cleaned for Human Consumption 

The many lakes and rivers in the United States are responsible for providing the vast majority of our water. Without these great bodies, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy and consume the water we use on a daily basis. Our water is indispensable and yet, many of us might not think about where our water comes from. So how do we receive water that is clean enough for consumption and washing? Our clean water goes through a very specific process in order for us to be able to use our water supply. Sun Tech Services is honored to keep important information flowing so that you can know the ins and outs of the water cleaning process! 

The First Step: Coagulation 

The first step in getting clean water is coagulation. Coagulation is also known as clotting and it is the process in which the liquid turns into a gel form. In the case of purifying and extracting clean water from our groundwater, coagulation works to bring solid clumps together which makes it easier to remove dirty bits from the water. This is where the next step in the process comes into play. 

The Second Step: Flocculation

Once the solid parts come together, the clumps in the water flow into big tanks where the water is set to sit for a while. During this period is when the solid bits will fall to the bottom. The clean water that lies above these solid bits moves up into a membrane that works as a filter, sieving out the smaller contaminants that weren’t small enough to be caught in the coagulation stage. After all contaminants and potentially harmful particles are removed from the water, the supply goes through an additional step.

The Third Step: Treatment 

The water is treated with specific chemicals or ultraviolet light to kill and deteriorate harmful bacteria and viruses. This is a common problem mainly in third-world countries where they lack the proper water treatment process. People can become sick via water-borne disease. If a water supply isn’t properly treated, viruses and bacteria can easily intervene. Once disinfection is done, the water is ready to flow through pipes to supply homes with water throughout several communities. 

How Purified Water Reaches Our Homes

So now that our water has gone through the intricate process of cleansing, how exactly might it reach your home? This can ultimately depend on where you live. If you reside on a farm or far out in rural land, water may be supplied through a well located within your property. However if you live in the city, no matter how big or small, your water is supplied through a public water supply. A series of pipes are connected in order to make sure the water is transported to your home plumbing. These series of pipes all come from the distribution center, which is likely the utility center you pay your water bill to. 

Some residencies may also have private wells. If your water comes from a private well on your property, your supply comes from groundwater and needs to be cleaned by the owners. 

Well Owners: Obligated to Clean their Own Water

As we mentioned before, people who take from private wells are obliged to have their water cleaned. Their water supply is not covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act. These people can face the same potential for contaminants such as those who use water from municipal water systems. The main difference is that families and individuals have to worry about a plan for cleanup and treatment without help from their community or fund members. Well owners typically have to rely on point-of-use treatments in order to ensure that lead and other contaminants are removed from their water. 

With Sun-Tech Services, You Have Options

Here at Sun Tech Services, we don’t take the quality of your water lightly. We understand that it is absolutely necessary to be supplied with clean water for the sake of your health and wellbeing. So what can you do to ensure that you’re provided with high-quality water? Hiring the professionals at Sun Tech Services is your best choice! Contact us today to learn more about how our systems and tools allow us to check the status of your water and help to keep your water clean!

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